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“I've made more small changes in the past 6 months, than the past 5 years. The peer support, advice & encouragement has been a real gift. I'm more intentional with my time. I'm much happier at home and work. Lots of opportunities opening up, I can’t quite believe it!”

Terry O’ Laoghaire

IT Director, Financial Services

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“I have been blown away. 3SIXTY Leaders Club is something special! It’s is a space where talented, driven, ambitious, women support women and lift each other up. I learned how to step outside of my comfort zone + advocate for myself - that's exactly what helped me get my promotion. I feel less isolated. I’m always learning something, like new tools or discussing challenges that members might be facing. I’m feeling more confident in work, managing my time better for personal development and strategic thinking. You’ll feel like you’re not alone - the women are so generous with their support.”

Caroline Kenny

SVP, Corporate Secretarial, Financial Services and Mother

Suzanne 360 Leaders Club member
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“I went from working 70-hour weeks + counting down years to retirement to stepping into a promotion with no imposter syndrome for the first time EVER while having more time for family, friends + fitness using what I learned I 3SIXTY Leaders Club.”

Suzanne Sheridan

Mom of two and VP Commercials Ops Fortune 200 Company

*Limited spots available. Applications close February 10th*